
Boxelder Bugs In Central Oregon

Boxelder Bugs – Central Oregon’s Nuisance Pest

The boxelder bug (Boisea trivittata) is an insect that is usually found around female box elder trees, as well as maple and ash trees. They are about ½ inch long, black with orange or red markings. The young bugs are […]

By |May 14th, 2014|Arborists, Tree Pests|0 Comments

Happy Oregon Arbor Week!

Happy Oregon Arbor Week! Oregon Arbor Week is a time to celebrate our trees by planting ceremonial trees, educating children and adults about the importance of trees, and honor the important role trees play in our daily lives.

Arbor […]

By |April 1st, 2014|Arborists|0 Comments

Stump Removal

Seven Good Reasons for Stump Removal

Tree removal is a necessity at times. Stump removal is not always a necessity, but there are some good reasons to remove a stump on your property.

  1. Stumps are just not pretty. Aesthetically speaking, the sight of a stump in your front yard isn’t too […]
By |February 18th, 2014|Arborists, Tree Removal|0 Comments

The Economic Benefits of Trees

Does Money Grow On Trees?

There are many studies that show, in addition to environmental and social goodness, trees are a wise economic investment. There are many economic benefits of trees including:

Residential Property Value

  • Trees can significantly increase property values. A U.S. Tax Court case once determined that a $164,500 valued […]
By |February 13th, 2014|Arborists, Urban Forests|0 Comments

Central Oregon Tree Pest: Locust Borer

It’s our pest o’ the week – the Locust Borer, (Megacyllene robiniae), a robust pest of the non-native Black locust tree. We’ve been seeing this little guy that can cause some significant damage in our local locust trees. Specifically, Pioneer Park in Bend has had some issues with this […]

By |January 9th, 2014|Arborists, Tree Pests|0 Comments

What is Certified Arborist and Why Hire One?

Arbor 1 Tree Service – Central Oregon Certified Arborists

Back in the day, we used to be called “tree surgeons”, but today, we like to think of ourselves more like “tree physical therapists”. But really, we are Certified Arborists, properly trained to take care […]

By |January 6th, 2014|Arborists|4 Comments